Muimbaji wa R&B na muigizaji wa filamu nchini Hemedy Suleiman aka PHD (Pretty Huge Dude) amewatahadharisha mashabiki wake kuwa kuna akaunti fake ya Facebook ya jina lake ambayo imekuwa ikiandika mambo ya kipuuzi.
Hivi karibuni mtu huyo anayetumia jina la Hemedy aliandika:
“Mkubwa wa freemason ananishawishi nijiunge katka chama hicho ila nimemuombea dua Mungu amlani ishallah“na hakika mwenye kujiunga na chama hicho mwisho wake ni kufa napia huenda motoni.”
Post hiyo imeifanya mitandao kadhaa nchini kuamini maneno hayo yameandikwa na Hemedy ambapo baada ya Bongo5 kumuuliza Hemedy juu ya hicho alichokiandika, alisema, ” Sio mimi, kuna account fake ya hemedy anaandika ujingaa….f*ck dat nigga, I dont believe in freemason shit..ALLAH ANANILINDA.”
Miongoni mwa website iliyoandika habari kufuatia post hiyo ni Kenya Daily Post ya nchini Kenya ambayo leo imeandika habari yenye kichwa cha habari, “Former TPF contestant HEMEDI ….FREEMASON wants him to sell his SOUL to the DEVIL”.
“He came to Kenya with the aim of clinching the top prize at Tusker Project Fame academy and although he did not win the prize money, he left all his fans thrilled by his drama more than his music; Tanzania’s Hemedi Suleiman is however not living in peace.
Since his departure from the academy, the star has been gracing the music industry and the film industry in the whole of East Africa. He is now what people would call one of TPF’s success stories. With his fame however secret societies have been trailing him begging him to join them.
Hemedi has declined the many offers from Freemason and said he would rather pray for them.”
Kwa muda mrefu tumekuwa tukiamini kuwa akaunti hiyo ni ya Hemedy kwakuwa hivi karibuni mtu huyo aliwasiliana nasi kututumia wimbo wa msanii anayesema ni binamu yake na Hemedy:
“Daaah huyo wala simjui mwanangu…sina cousin anaimba kwetu kipaji pekee yangu ukoo mzima..hao wananichafua tu broda…SIWAJUI,” amejibu Hemedy kupitia Twitter.
Kwenda kwenye ukurasa huo fake wenye jina la Hemedy bonyeza hapa:
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